Marker Hall


FORM: Achilles' X


BIO: Marker Hall was adopted into a family of blood mages. After his family joined a small isolated living community on the outskirts of a forest, his parents were sacrificed by Elrit Morris. Elrit, assuming Marker was a mage like his parents, disemboweled him and assumed the boy dead. Surviving the attempt, Marker was helped by a boy his age, Martin Morris, the son of his attempted murderer.

After escaping the community, Martin and Marker

As an invulnerable alterer, Marker cannot be physically harmed on any part of his body, save for a small X mark on his right arm. Despite his apathetic attitude, he is an easily irritated man. Often taking up fights he knows he cannot win for the sake of fighting. Due to his invulnerability these fights most often pose little risk to him.


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